Unlock the Secrets of Financial Wisdom: The African Diaspora Money Matters Survey

Join the Global Conversation on Money, Savings, and Investment Habits of Africans Worldwide

Our Mission

Welcome to the African Diaspora Money Matters Survey, where your voice can shape the financial future of Africans across the globe. Are you curious about how Africans from different corners of the world manage their finances? Interested in discovering common trends or unique insights? This is your opportunity to be a part of something big!

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Discover Diverse
Financial Journeys:

Our survey aims to uncover the unique money management, saving, and investment strategies of Africans residing in various parts of the world. From New York to Nairobi, Paris to Pretoria, we're exploring it all.

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Share Your

Your financial story matters. By participating in this survey, you contribute to a collective understanding of how Africans are navigating the financial landscape in different countries. Your insights can inspire and educate others.

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Raffle Prizes:

As a token of our appreciation, we're giving you a chance to win big! One lucky respondent will walk away with a grand prize of $1000. 

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Be Part of a Global Community:

Join a community of like-minded individuals who share your interest in financial well-being. Connect with people from diverse backgrounds and learn from their experiences.

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Taking the survey is simple and won't take much of your time. Just click the link below to get started on this exciting journey of financial discovery.

Ready to share your financial insights and have a chance at winning big?

Click below to take the survey and be a part of the African Diaspora Money Matters community!

Start Survey

This Survey is in partnership with Brickzwithtipz. Your privacy is important to us. All responses are confidential and will be used solely for research purposes. Survey open until 26th January 2024.

© OneAfrica Technologies Ltd 2023. All rights reserved